Monday, June 23, 2008

#1 Fan

Thanks to Paige (aka my #1 Fan)...for actually CALLING and telling me that you have to create an "account" and log on to leave a message on my blog. Guess it's been so long since I created it that I forgot. SO, I understand why no one has left a comment. LOL. get the grand prize. Thanks for being such a good friend and always encouraging me. The next prize will go to the first person who tells me they're my #2 fan. You can tell me in person, leave a message or send an email.

Art camp is filling up fast. Feel free to share the information with friends, but as you know, I usually do not advertise. I cannot wait to see how the PAINTJAM turns out.

We have VBS at our church this week. We're doing an island theme, which is fun.

J.T.'s driving (as we "speak") as part of his Driver's Ed class. He's almost finished and I must say he is driving very well.

He had a great annual check up last week at St.Jude. The doc said the X-Ray/MRI could not look better. That's always a relief and the words we're waiting to hear. J.T. has such a compassion for the kids at St.Jude. He knows how blessed we are that he did not have cancer and he is very humble about the things he goes through (not playing sports, getting IV's, MRI's etc). He never complains. And... thank you for your prayers. Not only did we get a good report, but they got the IV in on the first try. WHEW. what a relief since he promised he was "leaving?" if they didn't. LOL. We had two very nice men who have been at St.Jude for 20 something years each. I could tell they knew what they were doing.

I could go on and on about St.Jude. Many times I'm reluctant to share our story with too many people because JT didn't have cancer and when people's with the assumption that everyone there has cancer. I have to say we've never met anyone who didn't have cancer and it's a very humbling experience that I know has happened for a reason. I have to tell you about 2 really neat changes they've made in the last year. First, there is a new huge building called the Chili's Care Center. The first 2 floors are for patients. It's where they do the MRI's, etc. It's like walking in to a child's art gallery. There is patient art everywhere. AND there is a new cafe. Now, this is not like any other place I've ever seen. This is called the Kay Kafe, named after Kay Jewelers...the sponsor. You walk in and there is sushi, chinese, homemade pizza baked in a brick oven, a grill, pastry, dessert bar, BBQ, mexican and an ice cream shop. It is UNBELIEVEABLE. I assure you that every PENNY you've ever donated to St.Jude is being WELL USED. Children are so happy to be there because of the things they can do with donations. And as for the eases the shock. It's so important to see their kids happy at a time like that. They never have to pay a penny EVER. EVER. no matter what. WHAT you see on TV is true. They reimburse parents for gas, travel expenses, meals and provide lodging. There are local groups who almost daily are throwing "parties" at the Grizzly House providing supper and crafts or something. Again, I could go on and on.....but it was on my heart to thank everyone who has ever donated. I can tell you from experience that you are part of something great.

Well, as I was typing....Fan#2 called. Jennifer K. You win the prize. Don't worry...I'll do more. So now....just mention you're Fan#3.

Since about a MONTH has already gone by this summer....I decided to make Tu, and Th my "painting" days. M,W,F are my cleaning days...but on Tu,Th...I'm free to paint. ALL DAY. I LOVE the summer.

Gotta go pick up JT from Drivers Ed. Watch out for him on the roads!! out for Kirk. He's always in a hurry to get to Alayna's LOL.



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Art Camp 2008 ROCKS!!!!

I finally finished the registration info. for my summer art camp. They will start going out today. I hope you are curious and start checking out my blog. There's nothing like MAKING someone leave a comment by offering prizes !!! LOL

Clearly, I am no blog expert, but it is fun.

OKAY..this year's inspiration for art camp comes directly from NEW ORLEANS. Becky and I were lucky enough to attend our first NAEA (National Art Ed Assoc) National Convention. Talk about idea overload!! Imagine thousands of art teachers in one place with literally thousands of workshops to choose from. So cool. As a side note: I WON a Cricut. Maybe some of you scrapbookers KNOW what a Cricut is. ANYWAY....there was a guy there named Dan Dunn. He did the most AMAZING art performance I've EVER seen. His daughter put a video of his performance on YouTube and he is BOOKED forever and rich now. This was only about a year ago. Check out his website at and/or his performance on YouTube. Search PaintJam and you will find him.
So as I'm watching this guy...I"m thinking of HOW we can do a paintjam for art camp. I've decided to do a mini-version of what he does. They will be doing a LARGE painting on canvas TO MUSIC while I video it. Now, since I"m NOT technilogically advanced, if any of you have any great ideas on HOW I should video them, let me know. Maybe you have a flip camera or something. Right now, I'm planning on using my video camera which uses a VHS-C cartridge. I will give you a cartridge with your child's performance on it, and you will have to have it put on a disc. I know this can be done at WalMart. If you have more than one child attending, I will try to put them on the same cartridge to save you money. I"M REALLY HOPING that ONE of you parents are laughing at the moment and know of a MUCH EASIER way of doing this .....
email me at:

We are also doing painted ROCKS this year based upon a kids book titled: "Only One You". It is an EXCELLENT book that I highly recommend. That's kindof how I came up with this year's theme of Art Camp 2008 ROCKS. We're painting rocks AND doing the PaintJam thing to music. Along with that, I will be teaching them some drawing techniques and they will start a sketchbook that will be their's to keep.

Not TOO SURE about WeePaint this year. We'll be doing SOME kind of painting on canvas. I initially planned to do the "Only One You" book and rocks with them, but I think they would be done in about 5 minutes and you wouldn't be able to tell that their rock is a fish. SO....I'm still thinking about this. Any ideas?

Leave a comment....and don't forget to:'s a verb. Just do it.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where does time go?

Gosh...1-1/2 months since my first post. Good thing no one has been actually READING this blog and expecting an update.

Here goes....
School: Done. We left THE DAY school was out (May 15th) for my favorite spot in the world. We have been staying at the Breakers in Fort Walton Beach since I was a little girl. It ended up just being the 4 of us going. The guys played golf alot and we had fun. I stayed on the beach about 5-6 hrs per day. 3 words. BLUE BEACH CHAIR. For 8 days. It was wonderful. I really feel like that is my other "spot" in the world. I have alot to share about the trip, but that could be another post in itself. The only thing I will add that was "out of the ordinary" IS.... I let my 16 year old son (kirk) do something that I ALWAYS tell him he could only do when he's 21 and I"m not there!!! I call it the rubber band thingy. You know...that crazy "ride" that pulls you up in the air and releases you. We ran in to Kirk's coach and his family and he talked Kirk into trying it with him. It didn't take much though. I was steadily telling Kirk that he DID NOT have my permission. Of course that was while I was FILMING the whole thing.

So, we're back home. J.T. is almost finished with Drivers Ed. He actually scares me alot less than Kirk does. If you know them, you would know that is kindof strange. Kirk drives like me (fast and confident) and J.T. drives like Todd. Slow. Thank goodness.

I'm almost finished planning my Summer Art Camp. I have the dates set and I am almost positive what projects we are doing. I hope to have registration forms starting this Sunday. The theme this year is: "Art Camp 08 ROCKS!!" One of the main projects we are doing is called Paintjam and is inspired by this performance I saw at an Art convention in New Orleans. Go to youtube and type in paintjam to check this guy out. One of the COOLEST things I've ever seen. I knew right away this was ART CAMP material!

My sister-in-law is getting married this weekend, so we have wedding plans Friday and Saturday. I"m excited. Fill you in on details later, BUT I hear it involves CUPCAKES.
(As a random side friend and I are one day moving to the beach and opening a cupcake shop). It's a joke of course. But, one can dream. I have more cupcake stories, but again, I will save those details for later too.

I will be adding photos of some of my artwork soon. I've been doing notecards, baby paintings, canvas letters, and I have a new cross design. I'm going to post some work on ETSY and send in design submissions to a publisher this summer. I"ll try to keep my "rambling" to a minimum since I want this site to be about my artwork.

SO...LOOK FOR: photos of my work, information on my ART FACTORY: ART CAMP 2008, and links to my favorite sites. I"m also thinking about doing a series of classes for adults. I've had a request to teach (1) the canvas letters and (2) scripture plaques. What do you think?

okay people...start posting messages for me and let me know that you're READING my blog now. I DO LOVE to give prizes....but you have to leave me a message to win!!'s a verb. Just do it.
