Saturday, February 21, 2009

Use what you CREATE something better.

As usual, there have been many things in my "project box" lately. I came across a contest that I decided to enter. It's for a magazine that I love "Cloth, Paper, Scissors". They are doing a calendar contest and the theme is: "Life is like a box of"........WHAT? I just had this idea to do a storage box on wheels filled w/ art supplies. You know I had to use the word "CREATE" in there somewhere and the more I think about the saying...the more I like it. Use what you create something better. I am definitely thankful for the things I have, but I sometimes fail to recognize or USE those things. Can be anything from the power of prayer to a ROOM FULL of art supplies. Maybe I'll make a list. I've been thinking about starting/keeping a journal lately. It's not something I do, but I would like to. Good place to start. So what do YOU have? And, what can YOU create? Yep, it's a challenge.

We have a St.Jude fundraiser going on at school. Here's a picture of the painting I did for the basket that we are raffling. It's the HOPE painting, of course.

And, here's a picture of some hand-painted bookmarks.
And, of course NOW I see I didn't not post the pics in order. Sorry. Guess you can figure it out. Atleast i finally have pics, right?
Okay...It's TIME FOR ANOTHER CONTEST...More details later....


Smithville USA said...

Your artwork is so amazing!!! My email address is
It was good seeing you Saturday!! Maybe we can catch up better by email! I hope that you and your hubby do consider goin to the Shake for Jake this year!! It's so much fun!

Tonya Dickey said...

I want one of those little canvas of the 'life is like a box of art supplies'. I really love it. Is this how I need to place my order?

Unknown said...

yes, you can order through by blog like this. I'm adding 2 more tickets w. your name to the jar b/c I did not see this post before I tallied in this morning's post. One for the comment here and one for the order.
How big do you want it, and do you want the same colors? I can make the background, paint bottles, etc whatever color you want.