Thursday, June 4, 2009


Surgery is tomorrow. Have to be there at 8, but I'm #5 so it probably be 1 before they get to me. I liked the doctor...said he's done a couple thousand of these. It's just getting past that part where they tell you what COULD happen.
Pray for limited bleeding, my breathing to stay under control, and no getting sick. If all goes well, it sounds like most people just complain of sore throat and hoarse. Will stay one night, maybe two in hospital and then prob one night in S'port at my in-laws. Should be back home by Sunday or Monday. WHEW.
And THEN I feel like my summer can start. I just have a new compassion for people facing surgery or just health problems in general.
I cannot wait to get back to painting. I have a few things to catch up on. We did get our bedroom finished (painting walls is much harder and flowers or something!). It looks really good.
Kirk is home from the beach and he had a good time. He's now working at the golf course. J.T. got a job at Tall Timbers helping cater. He likes it much more than he thought he would. He was so excited last weekend.
Hope to update next week and get back to pictures and more CREATIVE things. Don't like being consumed with medical, keep reading.


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