Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ephesians 3:20

I've been drawn to that verse lately. Really in thinking about others and KNOWING God is in the prayer answering, miracle working business. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. I HAVE to share this with you tonight...even though I'm anxious to post about my special day Sunday. I will do that soon....BUT

I received THE call today from the dr. in Houston. The one I had an appt. with in JULY. She has a sclero clinic and has written books on the subject. They asked if I could come MARCH 19th. okay. #1...that's a REAL improvement to July. #2 that is Spring Break and I'm already off that week. (not to mention it is a huge weight lifted knowing they are not going to call and ask that I come on some major day like Kirk's graduation or something !) and #3 just to show you how GOOD God is and how he SPECIFICALLY answers prayers...excuse me how HE goes over and above what we can even think to ASK: I had March 19th planned to either start chemo THAT DAY, or by chance (yea, right) I was going to call and see if the dr. had any openings and beg to squeeze me in before I made the call to start chemo that day. SERIOUSLY. Down to THE day. We're thinking about going to the river earlier in the week, Kirk has a game on Thursday...and Friday was THE day. Praise the Lord. I'm just more amazed the more I think about it. Amazed at His grace and thankful when He shows up in big ways. I KNOW with so many people praying that there are those that have been praying specifically for my appointment to be moved up....thank you. thank you.
This is the "subject" of a book I'm reading: God will make a way when there seems to be no way: He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me...He will be my guide, draw me closely to His side: With love and strength for EACH NEW DAY, He will make a way, God will make a way.

1 comment:

Smithville USA said...

Suzy, I am so glad to hear this good news! I am on facebook so much that I sometimes forget to check here for updates too. Just wanted to check in with you and let you know that I am thinking bout ya! Love ya!!!