Thursday, June 3, 2010

A "Cute Announcement"

Here's the latest in a type of paintings I now call "cute annoucements". These are paintings created to match baby bedding, with a little frame, and places to write the birth info. directly on the canvas (with a sharpie) to hang on the hospital door to announce the arrival of the baby. Then it can go home and hang on the baby's door or somewhere else in the room and will match. I think they are a cute alternative to the traditional wreath on the hospital doors. Currently the price is $20 if you are interested in ordering one. I can usually look at the bedding online and go from there.

I've tried for a couple of years to come up with a name for these, and it hit me one day. When I have an annoucement at school that is "fun" or "exciting" I call them cute annoucements. Students know that cute annoucements are different from other ones. Maybe we have new t-shirts coming in or something like that. One day this school year as soon as I said "I have a cute annoucement" today...... it just hit me. I had an epiphany. THAT is the perfect name for my baby paintings.

So, as I clean and reorganize my wonderful art room at home this week, I will keep you posted on the projects I'm working on. One of the next paintings will be for the Claiborne Charity auction.



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