And, here it is....4 pages plus the cover. I was surprised Suzanne included the front of a thank you note I gave her after the workshop (JOY) mini card.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
In The Studio 10-24-12
My sweet friend, Kelley, went home to be with the Lord yesterday after a 3 year battle with stinkin' cancer And, right in the middle of a broken heart, I get the most exciting news today. God's good like that. I can finally share the news:
My art has been PUBLISHED in a book, Zentangle 8.
Can you hear me screaming? Woohoo. Check out the author's website at She is an awesome teacher, and I sure feel privileged to learn from the best. I illustrated the "T" and the "Z". (Not the Z at the top) . I didn't know my designs would be on the cover too, so I was super excited today when I received the email.
I think this may be just what I need to get out of this creative slump. The last few months I have worked harder professionally than I have in the sum of the last 11 years. I forgot how exciting it is to learn new stuff and I feel like I'm finally moving from exhaustion to excitement, or somewhere in between. Stay tuned for more Zentangle news and photos of new projects we're doing in El Dorado.
My art has been PUBLISHED in a book, Zentangle 8.
Can you hear me screaming? Woohoo. Check out the author's website at She is an awesome teacher, and I sure feel privileged to learn from the best. I illustrated the "T" and the "Z". (Not the Z at the top) . I didn't know my designs would be on the cover too, so I was super excited today when I received the email.
I think this may be just what I need to get out of this creative slump. The last few months I have worked harder professionally than I have in the sum of the last 11 years. I forgot how exciting it is to learn new stuff and I feel like I'm finally moving from exhaustion to excitement, or somewhere in between. Stay tuned for more Zentangle news and photos of new projects we're doing in El Dorado.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
In the studio 6-17-12
It's been a nice, creative week.
First, mom found this picture of me at 6 years old, and I had to share. I love the braided pigtails.
On Thursday night quite a few Claiborne Parish friends went to Painting With A Twist in Shreveport. We painted Irises (although I'm pretty sure mine are some other ...species). It was a blast. I think I've mentioned before, but I love to re-purpose things. The other 2 pictures are of things I have for sale. I added owls to them. That seems to be popular now, and hey, they are a symbol of wisdom :)
E-mail me at if you're interested. One is just on a piece of a door hanger, and the other things are bulletin boards. They are a matching pair, but I will sell them separately. $15.00 each.
I will be posting more pictures often of cute junk (ha) that I have for sale. Let me just say I have ALOT of it. I think I just had an epiphany..."cute junk" is kindof a good name, huh?
It seems everywhere I turn the Lord is speaking to me lately through others or things I come across. My fabulous doctor reminded me we often limit God to being good. I was claiming Romans 8:28...that He will work things out for my good. But, He is really in the business of doing GREAT things. I put on an old sleep shirt the other night and it was from our Sunday School class. Our class is named "FOCUS" based on the verse Phil. 3:13. While, I'm not forgetting the past I sure am looking forward to what lies ahead. When I focus on that, things are exciting. I have an interview tomorrow and I'll update with more information later.
Monday, June 11, 2012
In the studio 6-11-12
I still have some wooden circles calling my name. I vision them all painted with a Vera Bradley type floral. I discovered an artist by the name of William Morris the other day. He lived in the late 1800's and yet his work includes the most beautiful floral designs I have seen. I think he was the first to print repeated designs on fabric.
I spent much of the day working on this week's Happy Project. It's the big secret I'm waiting to share, so I will quit mentioning it until pictures can be included.
Looking forward to painting with some friends at Painting With A Twist Thursday night. It's an open invitation. I think I need to train myself to paint like that more often. I rarely, if ever, do a painting without drawing the design out first. I like the idea of completing one in 2 or 3 hours. I think the larger brushes make me paint faster, more freely and loose.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Happy Place
The last three pictures are guessed it....Zentangles. First there is a large piece that is a work-in-progress but I'm loving it, so it's moving quickly. I have a frame waiting and will be taking it to the gallery.
Next is an even larger piece. I'm guessing about 18x24. I love projects that appear to be difficult, but really they aren't.
Finally a sneak peak at something big. Can you see the "Z" ? This is a special little Z. I plan to show you this as I progress and when I'm done I'll make the big announcement. This is an official Zentangle. Remember the other two I've shown you today are called ZIA's (Zentangle Inspired Art).
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Happy Project...
Second, Jennifer T. used the term "Happy Project" the other day, and it has stuck with me. It inspires me to do things that make me happy.
Here is a picture of my first official Zentangle. I learned that all that I completed before were actually called ZIA's. (Zentangle Inspired Art).
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Art Vacation
Now for the creative stuff. I attended a 3-day workshop on a new addiction called "Zentangles". I came across them about a year ago, but I must admit, I didn't realize how technical they a good way. I was off-based in teaching that you draw without thinking. Zentangles are very detailed and each little pattern has a name. It is, however, very relaxing. Check out the official website . Very. Cool.
So, I had the privilege of learning under the famous Suzanne McNeill. I can't even begin to tell you how many books she has written and published. Check out her blog at
Of course, there's a reason she is so successful. She has unlimited knowledge, creativity, and kindness. You don't just find that every day.
As I went in Michael's this week I noticed a whole section on Zentangles including Suzanne's book. She is about to publish her 8th book and I have the MOST exciting news to share about that book. Details and pictures to follow in a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, I'm excited to return to blogging and plan to share more news soon. This week has been a reminder of how God has placed very specific people and opportunities in my path the last few months for a very specific reason. Also, as my doctor said yesterday, we limit God to working things out for our good, but I'm believing for GREAT. His plans are so much better than mine and it's exciting to allow Him to work.
Today, you're seeing a photo of my Happy Project. I love making tissue flowers lately and they look great in a variety of shades. I'm displaying them in black buckets giving the feel of a flower stand. This photo was at the Claiborne Jubilee, our local art festival. More on that later too.
Look for art all around you this summer.
Monday, January 2, 2012
There's something about a new year that makes me want to blog. It probably has something to do with reflection and focusing on what lies ahead. A few years ago I came across an "idea" to choose a word each year as a mantra of sorts. A word that is uplifting and encouraging. In 2009 my word was Create. 2010 was Praise and 2011 was Happiness. Looking back I don't think I quite embraced my word for 2011 like I should have. I read something today about the difference in happiness and joy. Happiness is based on your feelings and what is going on at the moment. Joy is internal. A good friend of mine uses JOY as her all-time word. I love that.
So this year my word is DILIGENT. A few weeks ago a heard a sermon preached at a funeral and the verse "The Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews ) was mentioned. It stuck with me that day for some reason and I began praying about my word. Meanwhile I kept coming across the serenity prayer (God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference). The word serenity was my 2nd choice but I need more of a motivating word this year. Calm and serene is not exactly what I'm going for. I need a "getting-things-done" kind of year. I will share a few of the specific things I want to be diligent in as I blog this year.
So, let me explain a little about choosing a word. I'm not a New Years Resolution kind of person. However, I do need visual reminders to focus on things and I liked the idea of one simple word. There are alot of artist/crafters who blog about this. One of my favorites is Ali Edwards. She calls it "OLW (one little word)". Tons of ideas on her site if you have time to look.
So of course the first step is to choose a word. Since we should pray about everything I think it's worth a little prayer time. Maybe you have no idea where to start or like me, you have way too many words you're tossing around. A good place to start is the concordance in the back of your Bible or a fruit of the Spirit. Again, you need an encouraging word. Something to make you feel good. Don't choose organization if it's going to stress you out :) The next step is to research your word a little. Look up the definition of your word. Find songs, scriptures and quotes. It's really exciting and you wouldn't believe how often your word will "show up" in the most random places. Plaques, notepads, etc.
I bought my sister a package of notecards from Michaels for Christmas because they have eyeglasses on them and her husband is an optomotrist. The word under the glasses was "clarity" and she knew right away that would be her word. I didn't even think about that at the time. Last year as she was trying to choose a word she literally had this wooden plaque fall on her foot that said Faith. LOL.
So, as we start a new year, I hope to blog more about creative things. I plan to honor God more creatively. Let's start here and I will be more diligent to share ideas with you.
Happy New Year friends.
So this year my word is DILIGENT. A few weeks ago a heard a sermon preached at a funeral and the verse "The Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews ) was mentioned. It stuck with me that day for some reason and I began praying about my word. Meanwhile I kept coming across the serenity prayer (God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference). The word serenity was my 2nd choice but I need more of a motivating word this year. Calm and serene is not exactly what I'm going for. I need a "getting-things-done" kind of year. I will share a few of the specific things I want to be diligent in as I blog this year.
So, let me explain a little about choosing a word. I'm not a New Years Resolution kind of person. However, I do need visual reminders to focus on things and I liked the idea of one simple word. There are alot of artist/crafters who blog about this. One of my favorites is Ali Edwards. She calls it "OLW (one little word)". Tons of ideas on her site if you have time to look.
So of course the first step is to choose a word. Since we should pray about everything I think it's worth a little prayer time. Maybe you have no idea where to start or like me, you have way too many words you're tossing around. A good place to start is the concordance in the back of your Bible or a fruit of the Spirit. Again, you need an encouraging word. Something to make you feel good. Don't choose organization if it's going to stress you out :) The next step is to research your word a little. Look up the definition of your word. Find songs, scriptures and quotes. It's really exciting and you wouldn't believe how often your word will "show up" in the most random places. Plaques, notepads, etc.
I bought my sister a package of notecards from Michaels for Christmas because they have eyeglasses on them and her husband is an optomotrist. The word under the glasses was "clarity" and she knew right away that would be her word. I didn't even think about that at the time. Last year as she was trying to choose a word she literally had this wooden plaque fall on her foot that said Faith. LOL.
So, as we start a new year, I hope to blog more about creative things. I plan to honor God more creatively. Let's start here and I will be more diligent to share ideas with you.
Happy New Year friends.
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