Thursday, June 9, 2011

In the studio 6-8

Since I last posted my mom, sister and I took a road trip to Canton. It was very hot and thankfully mom had the foresight to get us a hotel room. We ended up staying 2 nights and had so much fun. I cannot begin to tell you all of the creative things that I saw. I call that "Idea Overload" lol.

Back in the studio I have been finishing some baby paintings. I love baby names. I actually have some picked out for my granddaughters some day hehe.

And... we're off again next week Thurs- Sun. The 4 of us will be going to New Braunfels for a family reunion w/ Todd's side of the family. I went last year w/ my in-laws and it was so much fun. I couldn't believe we had never made a point to go. They have been meeting every year for a LONG time at the same spot.

Here's a look at 3 of the baby paintings. One little boy ironically will be named Allen. No relation. The "Cute Announcement" was fun to paint. I like owls lately. This girl made contact w/ me by getting my info. from the back of a Cute Announcement I painted for her as a gift from a mutual friend.

Then, there's the "Murphie" circle painting. Have I mentioned I am hooked on painting using circles as my canvas? I love how they are different, bold, and graphic. The first floral one I did is in the window at the gallery in Magnolia right now. I found a few "odd" things to paint on in Canton too and am excited to get started. Working on re-purposing some treasures and I still have a couple of Write-Ups and window paintings to finish.

Coming Up: Claiborne Charity fundraiser and a cool event called Shake4Jake in Monroe. More information soon.

Do what you love and love what you do...


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