Friday, January 2, 2009

Contest Update...

I've had a few guesses on the "tree" contest, but no winner yet. You can make one guess per day. IF you came to my house during the holidays...this does NOT include all of the little trees I had placed at each place setting. That would add another 14 to the number LOL. BUT it does include the "forest" of trees that were lit in my mudroom. I loved those this year. It DID remind me of a lighted forest. Ah, the little things.
Someone just informed me that you CAN leave a message on my blog without creating a google account (that is free). Click on the "comments" at the bottom of the post and post as an anonymous user. If you're making a guess for the contest though, make sure to include your name in the comments LOL.
ALSO...BREAKING NEWS.... a friend of mine has started a new blog. Most of you know Becky. It's so funny how friendships develop and we are just kindred spirits. We have tons of things in I could say any word such as "homecoming, jadip, etc." and she immediately knows what I'm talking about. She taught where I'm teaching for years before me and just KNOWS. Funny thing is we laugh all the time at our differences. For example, our waiter arrives to take our drink orders and we both laugh as she orders unsweet tea with extra lemon and I order SWEET tea no lemon. I"m a steak and potatoes kind of girl and she is a eggplant, mushroom, spinach, cabbage salad kind of girl. CHECK out her blog at :
Be the first to leave her a comment and I'll talk her into giving you a prize!!!! Or, I'll make you one. Or, you'll get lucky and we both will.

I have another CHALLENGE to all of my readers/friends. I follow several blogs that are talking about this ( and I think it's a good idea.

*** CHOOSE A WORD to be your "mantra" this year. ***
try to stick to one word. could be a phrase I guess. Immediately I think of HOPE or CREATE. I use those all the time. But, I think I'll give more thought to my word this year. Let me know what your word is and I will make you an original watercolor print of your word.

And see...just as I go to "sign out" , I use the word...
maybe that SHOULD be my word. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am LOL at the eggplants, mushrooms, cabbage salad comment!! LITERALLY LOL!!
Here's my mantra.....veggies!! HA! HA!