Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thank you Jesus.

Tonight I just have a grateful heart. I am so thankful for parents that raised me to love going to church and more importantly to love the Lord. We've had a revival at our church this week, and while there are many things I'm praying for..believing the Lord for, I just am humbled and thankful that my boys are saved and that they love the Lord and going to church too. I am so proud of them. I pray when they are old and gray they are still led by the spirit of God. I always say (usually in response to them being only 13 mos. apart LOL)...that the LORD knew what he was doing.


Jennifer Bailey said...

Isn't it great to see your children Praise God!!! Bishop has so much faith at an early age it amazes me! God is Good!
J. Bailey

Anonymous said...

It is a wonderful blessing when we have the peace in our hearts about the eternity of our children and family members.
We love your boys too.
Love ya,