Friday, March 20, 2009

I love contests...

That's one way to get people reading your blog LOL!!
okay...I'm going to try to give a point update.

Melissa S. 2
Tabitha 2
Lori H. 2
Jennifer Sones 1
Jennifer Bailey 5
Kristie 1
Kelly McCoy 1
Nicci 2
Tonya 2
Brandy 2
Angela M 1
Patti W. 1
Judy H. 2

These points are all IN ADDITION to the ones you had already earned. This is the number of times your name is going in to the jar today. Jennifer B. you have sent 4 friends my way so one more and you get the free facebook sign. Let me know your colors!!! And Judy, I show 2 for you (Erin & Tonya). Start picking your colors too.

I"ll have a picture of the cross painting that will look SIMILAR to our prize. The blog prize will be BIGGER...think sofa painting. (Unless you don't want one that big!)

have a good day. and...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER F.



Smithville USA said...

LOL, Maybe I need to have some sort of contest to get folks to read my, keep up the good work!!!! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Bailey sent me this website - the pictures look great!

Unknown said...

Wonderful work you do! My great friend, Jennifer Bailey, turned me on to your site. I'll be coming back to visit.

Smithville USA said...

Hey, be sure you go check out the new baseball pics of Brandon I put on my page...have a GREAT WEEK!!!