Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Place

I just finished this canvas.  I think "happy" should have been my 2012 word, but one thing is for sure: I have been working "diligently" in the last few weeks to discover what makes me happy.    This canvas will be part of a series of paintings I call "Write-Ups".  This would be fun and easy to do for a class (using your choice of text) if anyone is interested.

Now, this was one of my stops today.  Does anyone recognize this?  Poor little fellow is gone now.

The last three pictures are guessed it....Zentangles.  First there is a large piece that is a work-in-progress but I'm loving it, so it's moving quickly.  I have a frame waiting and will be taking it to the gallery.
Next is an even larger piece.  I'm guessing about 18x24.  I love projects that appear to be difficult, but really they aren't. 
Finally a sneak peak at something big.  Can you see the "Z" ?  This is a special little Z.  I plan to show you this as I progress and when I'm done I'll make the big announcement.  This is an official Zentangle.  Remember the other two I've shown you today are called ZIA's (Zentangle Inspired Art). 


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