Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 Mantras

Thanks to all who have been reading my blog and sharing their "word" with me. I have the first group of words illustrated and delivered. STILL trying to get pics uploaded to my computer to share with you. I'm NOT THAT bad at technical issues, but my computer is not reading my camera. It's seriously aggrivating when I KNOW the camera, USB cord, and everything is plugged in correctly...HELLO? It's all plugged in IT SHOULD work!!!
Not. LOL

Hope you don't mind, but I decided to share your words. I know most of my readers are in our Sunday School class and probably have a secret pal. So, I thought you might be interested to know the WORD your secret pal has picked for the year. All of the words are very personal, moving, and thought provoking.

Me: Create
LindaK: patience
DonnaB: Blessed
JenniferF: Peace
AngelaM: Pray
AmandaM(York): Believe
Laurie: Commitment
Brandy: Faith
Paige: Restful
Penny: Gratitude

Create, Patience, Blessed, Peace, Pray, Believe, Commitment, Faith, Restful, Gratitude....

Words of Power.



melanie, aka Mo said...

Hey there. Thanks for signing in on MoJoy as a "follower". And guess what. I almost did a post on my "word" for the year too. Do you follow Ali Edwards' blog?! SHe has a HUGE list of examples! The word that keeps coming to me is "CHOICES". That is going to be my word. To deliberately and consciously CHOOSE how I use my time, what I eat, whether I get up and go to church, whether I play with my kids of exercise or whatever. I want it to be a very concsious CHOICE. Like that one?! Melanie

Unknown said...

Love the word "choose". So many things come to my mind on that one. Choose you this day whom you will serve...choose LIFE. It does have a deep meaning, but also about making the deliberate day-to-day choices is GOOD STUFF. Go for it. Since you'll be "feeling" the word maybe you can CHOOSE to have a nice peaceful flight home w. your girls. Call those things that be not as though they are!!! LOL.
Can't tell you how excited I am that I got a response from you. I have been a total LURKER for EVER. I"ve followed Jake's story and all of you and it is completely inspiring. My son is a St.Jude patient. After we arrived there in Jan05, they found out he had a benign bone tumor. Praise God. That's a really long story for another post, but I did meet your mom down by the kitchen at the RMH in Jan. 05. We were living there too at the time. Jake was in isolation and I did not get to meet Stacy, but all I heard about were those fun girls. After we got home in Feb 05 is when I discovered caringbridge and started following Jake's story. He was a beautiful child. Readers: check out Jake's story at www.caringbridge/la/jakeowen. It's so nice to know people are still making a difference in this world.
OKAY...put it off as long as possible....WE NEED TO MEET. I live in Haynesville (just north of Homer). I teach art, scrapbook, and do all kinds of creative things. OF COURSE I Know Ali Edwards. Not personally of course LOL. Donna Downey is my fav. I call her my SB Superhero. Who happens to be on a SB CRUISE right now.
Anyway, I love reading your blog. Thanks for updating so often. It makes me update mine more LOL. You have the CUTEST kids. Love them frilly pants. What a blessing. My brother and his wife live in Atlanta and they have TRIPLETS> they are 2 now. And I have a best friend from high school whose daughter is your patient. Don't think I can say that in this forum. You'll have to think about that one. Her mom graduated w/ me in 1987 from Haynesville. Beautiful mom of **4** girls.
One more thing. LOVE your art. I want a piece of your jewelry w/ my mantra on it.(CREATE) Did you see the giveaway necklaces on Ali's blog...round silver w. the word stamped then inked. I'm on the look out for one of those alpha stamp sets. Remember a WHILE back when you showed the super cute self portrait painting where each person who visited had to paint their self portrait...I've been LOVIN that idea for a while, and I just made my students do one in class. It's our class self portraits. It's HILARIOUS. Didn't think you'd mind. I'm giving you credit for the project and telling them who Jake is. Then we're doing HOPE paintings to send to St.Jude when we go this summer. ACTUALLY...maybe we should send them to MMPT's young patients. We've also created these cool coloring books that we distribute to local children's hospitals or clinics. I'll send you some. Sorry for the long post. And, it's past my bedtime. I meant somewhere about 3 paragraphs ago to switch over and make this an email, rather than a comment to you on my own blog....oh well. Email me back when you get a chance. We have alot to talk about...alot in common. You can check out my students work at zip code 71038Self Portrait Board should be up by the end of the week. Create. Suzy

Spectacular Splatter said...

Hey, I haven't been on here in a while and decided to post and check out your blog. VERY COOL your mantras! I can't wait to see one of the paintings!!! Is the AngelaM the one that I know? I thought it may be because of her word! LOL! I am overwhelmed to say the least about this "adventure".
I still can't pick just one word....LOL!!

MLP said...

My word is "Serenity". I want to feel this way. I had a few things going on this year that were way out of ordinary and I know that God will see me through and it is all in His control. I will just remain serene in the face of adversity and remember who my Father is and that no weapon formed against shall prosper. Form, yes, but prosper, No. He is so goood to me!

MLP said...

My sites are


Mindy said...

Hey word is LAUGH.

Your page is amazing!

Love you!