Sunday, January 4, 2009

And the winner is....


Yes, I had ***17 *** trees this year. Thanks for all who guessed.

moving along....Okay...for those of you this morning that I "slipped" the piece of paper to, or those I emailed, or just plain follow my blog (Jennifer), the idea is for you to pick a word to be your "mantra" this YEAR. You can pass my blog info to other people and the offer is good for anyone who lets me know what word they chose. Here are some examples:

Blessed, Gratitude, Purpose, Create, Hope, Pray, Believe, Power, Determination, Love, Faith, Nurture, Balance, Grace, Humble, Thankful, Silence, Peace, Praise, Happiness, Laugh, Smile....etc.

Tell me why you chose the word if you'd like. I was really leaning towards "gratitude" or "thankful" because that is the way I feel lately HOWEVER... MY WORD IS....

surprise, huh? LOL.
Here's MY definition of create: to take something that exists and form it in to something better. Create in me a clean heart, oh God. Create health, happiness, peace...and the list can go on. I"m going to actually look up the REAL Webster's definition. Get back to you on that one. I want to see how they define the word "mantra" too. Hope I'm using that term correctly.

Okay friends...put some thought in to it, and let me know your WORD. I will illustrate your word for you to have/use this year. Happy 2009.



Anonymous said...

Suzy you are such an inspiration. I am not sure if I could pick just one word. Two actually come to my mind. The first one is PEACE. Peace with the past, present, and the future. Peace in my home, between family and friends. The other word that is on my heart is CONTENTMENT. To be content with what I have and to stop all the "wanting". PEACE may cover it. I just want PEACE. That is it.

My mantra this year PEACE. Peace be to you Suzy

Anonymous said...

Suzy thanks for the note. My word commitment. I need to be more commited to the Lord, his church, my work, and my family.
My mantra is commitment.

Amanda and Mikayla said...

Hey, Thanks for leaving me a message on mine and Mikayla's blog. My word is going to be BELIEVE. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
-Amanda York