Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Madness CONTEST

Time for another blog contest. Here's the rules/details:
1. You can EARN tickets to be placed in my cute bucket between now and the end of March. On the last day of March, I will draw a winner. The more tickets you earn - the more chances you have of winning. You will earn 1 ticket for each of the following things:
(1) leaving a COMMENT on my blog -that's one ticket for EVERY comment!
(2) becoming a "follower" of my blog
(3) referrals: that's one ticket for anyone who leaves a comment, or becomes a follower
and TELLS me you sent them
(4) placing an order with me. That's one ticket for each item ordered.

Beginning with the orders I currently am working on. So, that means Jennifer F. has 2 tickets already (pillowcase and sign) and Joyce T. has 1 ticket (pillowcase) and Beverlee K. has 5 tickets (pillowcases).

I will post a picture soon of the painting that will be your PRIZE. I'm in the process of painting one for myself right now. Basically think nice stretched canvas with a big cross or fleur de lis..textured, funky...with your last name and/ or a scripture. I will let the winner choose their colors, etc. so it will match their home.

Also, for my FACEBOOK friends, I have designed a sign that is too cute and am offering a FREE SIGN to any of my CURRENT "Facebook Friends" as of right now. All you have to do is get FIVE people to leave a comment on my blog and tell me you sent them. Make sure the comment is on my BLOG and they give me your name. The sign is hand painted on a canvas panel and reads " I HAVE ______ FRIENDS on facebook." Where the blank is, I have a mini CHALKBOARD for you to constantly change your # of friends. And if you just CAN'T get 5 people to look at my blog....I guess I'll sell the signs for $10 for a limited time.

You can click on COMMENTS below this post and leave a comment as an anonymous user if you do not have a free google account. SIGN YOUR NAME!

Pictures to come soon of the current things I"m working on. Again, I have a collection of pictures at Enter zip 71038 (haynesville jr/sr high) and scroll down to where it says: "Mrs.Allen's project box". Sorry you have to go to all that trouble. I have strange computer issues.

And, please pray for me to feel better. Over the Christmas holidays my HANDS started hurting really bad. both hands the point that I went to the dr. Obviously I CANNOT have something wrong with my hands...that is NOT okay! Anyway, they found out that I have thyroid problems. Apparantly not an uncommon thing. For 2 months I have developed every symptom/side effect you can think of. They did an ultrasound 2 weeks ago in which they saw something that needed further review. DEEP BREATH. I received my appointment notification in the mail this weekend with the specialist. My appointment is in OCTOBER!!! YES, OCTOBER. Hello, people ...what IS this world coming to? to be continued....

In the meantime:
CREATE. It's medicene for the soul. Well, for me it is. I could use a little laughter too.


Anonymous said...

You will have to catch me up. What kind of pillowcases and projects are you doing? I am always needing good gifts and I know anything you are doing is fantastic.

Unknown said...

Well, I am doing these hand painted pillowcases that have the kids' name, and so far everyone has wanted them to say: Always kiss me goodnight. They're cute. I'll put a pic up soon. I think there's 2 pics on artsonia of some I did around Christmas.
I'm also doing yard signs. you know the "Rebel fan lives here" kind of signs. I've been painting canvas bookmarks, making notecards, and pretty much anything. The pillowcases are $20 and the yard signs are $25, but they are made heavy duty...not like the campaign signs.
You get 2 tickets...just for being the first to comment. And for the fact that I OWE you prizes that are still in my car LOL.

Jennifer Bailey said...

Suzy, we will pray our way through this thyroid problem! I love your art work and need to check on a cross! Love ya!

Jennifer Bailey said...

I also want to talk to you about some notecards to send my Emmaus Friends and upcoming pilgrims. We'll talk about it when you come by to see me. Just a thought!

Unknown said...

okay Jennifer. I'll try to grab some that I made this weekend to show you. I made some for Connie W. before that had her Chrysalis flight#.
good've already earned 3 tickets. I have them in my jar already. And earned 3 instead of 2. (1 for follower, 1 for comment and 1 bonus for being the 1st one to comment).
I love contests!!
I think yall will like the prize this time. I'm trying something sort of new. (for me anyway)
thanks for the support!

wjholly said...

Hey suzy----going to try and get started on this March Madness you got going on here. !! Bear with me though !!! You know I love all of your art and would love to win something !!! TTYL Judy

Smithville USA said...

Ok, This is my first comment on this post...I am just loving all your art!!! Since I just started following you will have to catch me up on what is goin on with you!! It was good seeing you at the ball park the other day and I am glad we have email to talk on too!!! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

hey suzy,

im not sure i understand this contest so if you will, send me an email and explain it to me.


Anonymous said...

hey, i love your pillowcases. they are sooo cute. Jennifer Bailey sent me to your page to check them out.


Anonymous said...

Hey Suzy! Great work...very impressive. Didn't know about your sickness. Hope you get better soon. Jennifer Bailey sent me this link. I have added it my favorites so I can keep up with your progress. Take care.

Kelly McCoy

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jennifer Bailey told me about your site! Lori Hamilton

Nicci Gustavus said...

Hey Suzy, Great work. I am really impressed. I will definitely have to keep up w/what you are doing.


Brandy said...

Hey Suzy!! Well, I think I will join in on the March madness!! Sounds like fun!!

Unknown said...

Got your email and checked out your blog. I love all of your artwork and would like to win something. I still want you to paint me a sign that says "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord", but haven't decided on colors and size yet.

Will keep you in my prayers concerning your health problems. Missed you at choir last night, but totally understand when you don't feel good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy... I found your blog by being nosey!! But I LOVE the pillowcases! I want 2 of them. Im not sure on all the details yet. We are moving into a new to us trlr and Im getting my kids new beds and bedding. We are going with Tinkerbell for my 2yr old princess and John Deere for my 5 year old! I would love if you could paint them niffty little pillow cases!! My email is ohh and I saw your blog on someone's facebook. Jennifer Bailey sent them a message to check out her super crafty friends blog. I just had to check it out.. soo I believe that will be 1 ticket for Jennifer Bailey! lol thanks
allison dillon