Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In the studio 4-13

Sothankful after being disappointed today with student behavior

that I can come home to my studio. (Bedroom at home turned into an Art Room which I now call my Studio)

I need to practice my 2011 word: happiness. My studio makes me happy. My "write-up" paintings make me happy. Therefore, I'm showing pictures of these 2 one more time. I had to um, CORRECT the spelling on my purple one. Then I finished adding the last few lines on the Go Green Write-Up yesterday afternoon.

Here's a couple of up-close views too. Have you "read" these yet?

Next there is a photo of my bookmarks in a display piece I re-purposed. This was a Home Interior basket with apples on the label.
I also had a spice rack to match. Ran out of room in my kitchen and it dawned on me the other day to re-paint the labels with chalkboard paint. So, voila.

My altered art instructors always issue a challenge for us at each meeting. Last month they gave us a baby food jar and an egg. We can make anything we want. I'll let you know how that turns out...

I'll leave you with another idea from the list I mentioned a few posts back. The website is I'm lovin' it.

*** Glue an envelope in your journal and for one week collect items that come your way ***

Do what you love and love what you do.


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