Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the studio 4-7

I've been working in the studio this week starting several projects. Until today...when I finished several projects. I have an order for bookmarks and I'm making some for The City Wide Sale coming up in May. I also would like to sell them in the gallery which means I'll be painting Razorbacks, Muleriders, and Panthers for the first time :)

ILOVED loved the owl window so after I cleaned the other one up I painted a floral design on it. Added some glitter glaze which is always yummy. I think they're cute together. Now I'll have to be on the lookout for more windows. I started a new Word Painting today and finished tonight. I just used some of my words relating to art. Wonder if you could figure them out...? Picture does not do it justice. I've decided to sign these pieces by stamping the last 2 letters of the painting with my initials SA.

Soon I'll be working on the windows for the fire station. It has been a year since they asked. Hopefully they will understand because I have no good excuse. Also I'm working on a design for a chair to be auctioned off to raise money for the Claiborne Jubilee. Any ideas for a good design? My students are doing one too.

I'm so, so busy at school. There are many things I need to get wrapped up and done before school is out.

Do what you love and love what you do.


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