1. I'm thankful for my J.T. He finally got a new truck after waiting a long time. Will have to share w/ Todd for now b/c his needs some work.
2. I'm thankful for my Kirky. Oh hope he doesn't see that ("Kirky"). He went 4 for 4 on his kicks last week and look forward to this Friday night. Todd and I are riding the charter bus and looking forward to it. Not much in to driving anymore and Todd's on graveyards SOOOO bus sounds nice and relaxing. GO #5. Love ya. His ACT scores went up to a 20 composite. Not too bad, but look forward to that improving. I know he can. And, a new life begins. UGH...I'm not going there yet.
3. My awesome sister has been working hard this week. They have a house out on our family land and are wanting to sell their house in town if you know of anyone interested. Their house in Haynesville is beautiful !! She's been working hard but feeling better. Proud of her.
4. Thankful for a whole week off. I want to clean, paint, and decorate for Christmas. My body wants to stay in my super hot bed. Think: heating pad, elec blanket, heated mattress pad, heater, ....pretty bad people LOL. Been freezing cold.
5. Thankful my husband's grandmother came through surgery great this week. answered prayers for sure! She's in pain but hopefully that can be controlled and get better. She fell and broke her hip.
6. Thankful for my substitute teachers this year. Sounds a little wierd huh...but you have to know these ladies. I'm blessed to have them as friends. Yesterday my sub left ME a homemade buttery loaf of bread. YUM YUM She happens to be my Sunday School teacher and blesses my life more than she will know.
7. Thankful for my husband. Now more than ever. He is so patient and really takes care of me. Doesn't care if the house is clean...he just wants me to take care of myself. He keeps me warm.
okay. more later. bedtime.
I'll do better on the posts.
Look for pics next time.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009

Was thinking about my art room today and decided to post pics. Unfortunately for you I have NOT spent time figuring out what order these will post...so you'll have to put the pieces together. I am very thankful for my room and hope to spend more time there soon. Okay, there a Clementine Hunter painting I have from a local folk artist. One of the neatest ladies I've ever met...quite a story and her work is available CHEAP. Like $10-20 paintings. Let me know if interested.
Then, there's the piece of samsonite luggage I painted. Was supposed to coordinate w/ Vera Bradley pattern, but I do not like this piece. I'm going to repaint it. Still like the concept though. I'm buy samsonite luggage at all garage sales I find.
You'll see "areas" of my artroom. All with interesting things that have a story.
See my messy TABLE. This hides the fact that I have a beautiful piece of PURPLE formica in the garage waiting to go on the table top.
I took MY copy of my favorite book when I was a child and framed it in a refurbished garage sale frame. Cheap, easy and a cool idea. Mr.Pine's Purple House is the name of the book. classic.
Here's a mantra I illustrated months ago. This is your's Melanie. CHOICE.
This pic of these clear Wal Mart containers is for Melanie too. Love these things. Perfect to showcase your colorful beads.
This is my WIP (work in progress) IDEA BOX. Bought the box at Michael's and added these wooden "legs". Of course I have too many ideas and I cannot decide how I want my idea box to look LOL.
And, this is a pic of a sign I bought at Canton. Love this saying. Of course, I wish it said she IS and artist and the world IS her canvas. "was" is a little too past-tense.
Were you inspired by my post? Leave me a comment and there may be a prize.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I'm Back...no, REALLY...I'm Back.

I'm kindof surprised they didn't shut down my blog since it's been so long since I've posted. My sister-in-law wrote the nicest things about me on her blog...and is doing a cool contest. THANKS to all of her readers who are checking things out !!! GOOD LUCK !!!
This picture is a recent name design...an example of what KIM's readers can win :)
Today is the first day in a LONG time that I really wanted to paint. I didn't get around to it...but the feeling was so nice. Think I'll THINK tonight about what I want to paint tomorrow :)
I will start a contest soon myself, so keep checking in.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm Back...

Whew. What a few months it's been. I am so happy to tell you prayers were specifically answered..no excessive bleeding, breathing ok, and I did not get sick. I just didn't know how extensive the surgery would be...and that's probably a good thing. Might not have shown up LOL. Was one of the largest thyroids the dr. had seen. Had grown up to both of my jawbones. Hello people...I KNEW it was big. I couldn't even eat and THAT is a big deal. I am getting better everyday. It has been 2 weeks ago today and I can still say I"m improving daily. Not close to 100% yet, but working on it. I am just humbly overwhelmed at the generosity of my friends. I have received so much food and so many cards you could not imagine. I am just so thankful for everything and I feel so blessed.
Well...today I delivered some stuff for a few charity events this weekend. First, I did a big PEAR painting for the Claiborne Charity auction. This is such a good cause and I thank everyone who supports them. CC helped us when J.T. was sick and we appreciated that so much. I started to do a floral painting, but I had been wanting to do a pear.
Then...there is an event in Monroe this weekend called Shake 4 Jake. Jake is a little boy with an amazing family carrying on his legacy helping other St.Jude families. I really wanted to go to the event, but I guess I'll have to wait till next year. I sent a tulip painting (with the word HOPE), a Tech Bulldog painting, and some bookmarks. Did I mention I want to BE THERE? Dang it.
I am planning to going to Canton soon...so that will have to quench my creative thirst for now.
I'm planning to market some things this summer. I would like to get my bookmarks in some upscale shops if any of you happen to have any connections. There are many things I could do...but I just love these bookmarks. I'd like to do workshops or artist demos in the stores that sell them. I'll keep you posted.
It's VERY HARD for me not to be thinking about Art Camp. This would be my 6th year and I cannot imagine NOT having a camp....BUT my energy level is just not there. I have so many ideas I want to share with your kids! I've about talked myself in to doing a camp/workshop during and around our FALL BREAK using a CHRISTMAS theme so your kids can create things you can use as Christmas cards, gifts, etc. What do you think?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Surgery is tomorrow. Have to be there at 8, but I'm #5 so it probably be 1 before they get to me. I liked the doctor...said he's done a couple thousand of these. It's just getting past that part where they tell you what COULD happen.
Pray for limited bleeding, my breathing to stay under control, and no getting sick. If all goes well, it sounds like most people just complain of sore throat and hoarse. Will stay one night, maybe two in hospital and then prob one night in S'port at my in-laws. Should be back home by Sunday or Monday. WHEW.
And THEN I feel like my summer can start. I just have a new compassion for people facing surgery or just health problems in general.
I cannot wait to get back to painting. I have a few things to catch up on. We did get our bedroom finished (painting walls is much harder and flowers or something!). It looks really good.
Kirk is home from the beach and he had a good time. He's now working at the golf course. J.T. got a job at Tall Timbers helping cater. He likes it much more than he thought he would. He was so excited last weekend.
Hope to update next week and get back to pictures and more CREATIVE things. Don't like being consumed with medical issues....so, keep reading.
Pray for limited bleeding, my breathing to stay under control, and no getting sick. If all goes well, it sounds like most people just complain of sore throat and hoarse. Will stay one night, maybe two in hospital and then prob one night in S'port at my in-laws. Should be back home by Sunday or Monday. WHEW.
And THEN I feel like my summer can start. I just have a new compassion for people facing surgery or just health problems in general.
I cannot wait to get back to painting. I have a few things to catch up on. We did get our bedroom finished (painting walls is much harder and flowers or something!). It looks really good.
Kirk is home from the beach and he had a good time. He's now working at the golf course. J.T. got a job at Tall Timbers helping cater. He likes it much more than he thought he would. He was so excited last weekend.
Hope to update next week and get back to pictures and more CREATIVE things. Don't like being consumed with medical issues....so, keep reading.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
On a lighter note...

1. My sister is at the beach celebrating my nephew's HS graduation
2. My sister-in-law (the triplet's mom) was picked to be on TLC's What Not To Wear. She just returned from NYC looking great. Show will air in the fall, so I'll let everyone know. It's basically JUST like you see on TV. They really do film you secretly for 2 weeks, etc. The March of Dimes nominated Kim, which I thought was so nice. AND..I think the girls are arriving here tomorrow with their other grandparents...so I may be loving on them soon. Oh, Alyssa broke her leg the morning the limo arrived to pick up Kim. She's okay though.
3. There is an upcoming fundraiser that I plan to support this year. It's called Shake4Jake and is held at the end of June in Monroe. Jake was the cutest St.Jude kid with a family committed to the cause. They go above and beyond to help other families and though I've never met them, they have such an inspiring story and are a good example of sowing seeds. I will get a link posted soon (or you can google it). I'm trying to decide what to do for the "event". There will be auctions and all kinds of stuff apparantly to raise money. At the least, I will send paintings, but I'm planning to do something involving you blog readers. I'm thinking for each order I receive between now and then...I will make an extra item and donate in your name. So, be thinking of what you would like painted and let me know.
4. Which brings me to the last topic. I called the surgeon's office today to REMIND them I can't breathe well...and they assured me they're working on it tomorrow. I'm still kindof hoping for next week. I've had several scriptures that have helped lately...but today: Those who WAIT on the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount with wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not become faint. WHEW. thank the Lord.
okay...let me see if I can find a picture.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A.P. = Answered prayer.
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Of course, I've had alot to say, but wasn't sure WHAT TO say. I started several posts, and just changed my mind.
5 months ago I had no idea that health issues could be a part of every day life. What started out on Jan. 3rd with my hands hurting, has turned in to quite a few things mostly thyroid related. This post is titled: Answered Prayer #4 because there have been 4 big specific prayers the Lord has answered and I wanted to share them with you. Now, of course, I know the Lord answers many more than that every day, but these are prayers that I've asked You, my friends, to pray for me and I want you to KNOW they are felt and have been answered in a big specific way. I started w/ A.P.#1 the Friday of Spring Break. It was then that I was told I needed a surgeon. There are many things that happened in the months leading up to that, but I choose to start here with my story. I am determined to leave the negative energy behind. That is why I haven't posted. When you are feeling really bad, it just helps to have hope. It helps to know people are working on your behalf. enough said. The first prayer was for the Lord to send the RIGHT people my way and open very specific doors. My in-laws and their friends did some checking (they're in the healthcare system in Shreveport)....and came across a surgeon Dr.Donnie Aultman. After my father-in-law told him of my situation, he made a call to the endocrinologist I was trying to get in to see: Dr. Ravari. I saw Dr.Ravari the week after Spring Break and knew immediately both her and Dr.Aultman were answers to prayers. She is so kind, and KNOWS what she is talking about. I liked everything about her office/staff...just very high quality. Many other signs, but A.P.#1.
A.P. #2: you know the saying "knowledge is power"? Wellllll, MOST of the time. But SOMETIMES it can scare you. I have done enough "research" (LOL) on the internet to know I WANTED to find someone who performed what's called a FINE NEEDLE biopsy. get the fine needle part? Yep, I had heard a few stories and this sounded like the way I wanted to go. The first phone call I had w/ Dr.Ravari's office is when I asked that question and YES: she did them on Tuesday mornings. A.P.#2
A.P.#3: okay so that means I had to have a biopsy. As if it's not just down-right painful enough to think about having cancer, obviously 3+ needles being stuck in my neck where it HURTS, did not sound too good. But PRAISE THE LORD...it's behind me and I can truly say it did not hurt near as bad as I had prepared myself for. The numbing cream worked, I was really relaxed thanks to the people in her office (like I said: quality care), and it just was not that bad. A.P. #3.
A.P. #4: after the biopsy is when it hit me the hardest emotionally. I was thinking she might have been able to tell me something as she was performing the biopsy, but that was not the case so I had to wait and worry from Tues- Fri last week. There is a thing posted in her exam rooms about worry. It says something like: "if you're going to pray, why worry....if you're going to worry, why pray". Ouch. powerful. true. easier said than done. You see, I had done my "research" and knew about a little thing called anaplastic thyroid cancer...the fast growing kind that frankly people just don't survive. Every little ache and pain worried me last week (and I had PLENTY). So, when she called Friday with the news that I needed surgery...that did not sound NEAR as bad. PTL. Basically the biopsy was inconclusive, and since my thyroid has grown so large I need to have it removed. There is an 80% chance it is benign, but there are concerns. There are 3 other types of thyroid cancer but all have positive outcomes in the end. So, I'll have surgery soon...have it removed...they will test to see what it is...and we'll go from there. If it is malignant there are a few things I do before taking medicene the rest of my life and if it's benign I think I just start taking meds the rest of my life. Either way, I already feel like I can breathe better, just being able to think about the "rest of my life". A.P.#4.
I have a new compassion for people who have medical problems...specifically for those awaiting biopsy results. It's just one of those things that you just can't understand until you've been there I think. I know the "compassion" thing is something the Lord is showing me through this. I seriously do not think that I BELIEVED it was possible to feel bad every day for 5 months. I was wrong.
So....THANK YOU MY FRIENDS for praying. I NEED you to continue to pray for specific things for me, and I promise to keep you posted better. I believe in giving God the glory and that is what I want to do. It really is my desire for you to know that you're prayers for me are being heard and answered and it means so much to me. When we were at St.Jude w/ J.T., there were so many times I thought about the "footprints in the sand" story. You see, I believe that sometimes we just need to be carried through things, and part of that is for friends to pray for you when you are tired or just feel like you do not have enough faith. Here are specific prayers I need right now: #5: TIMING for the surgery. I want to have it asap. All of my family is coming in next week, it's a busy time and alot to do before the end of school, Kirk wants to leave the day we get out of school going on vacation w/ his girlfriend...and I'm just struggling knowing when to try to schedule. So, I leave it in the Lord's hands. I'm going to see when the dr CAN schedule and go from there. One thing I've learned is not to worry about things that haven't happened yet. I would just rather have the surgery behind me before the last day of school though...just the whole thought of starting my summer that way does not sound so great. This time last year we were leaving for the beach. so, in HIS perfect TIMING....I trust it will be.
#6: for the surgery itself to be successful. for them to be able to easily remove everything. for there to be NO SIGNS of malignancy and that I do not GET SICK after surgery. For some reason as if the thought of someone cutting your NECK open is not bad enough...I just do NOT want to get sick afterwards. That just could not be good. I "READ" (LOL) somewhere that the surgery is not that bad. Someone even said it was like having teeth pulled. OKAY. I can believe THAT story!
#7 and finally that my recovery is fast and goes well. I really believe in the power of positive thinking. If I can just get to the point where I practice that at home I will be doing good. I'm thinking about getting a little IPOD and loading praise and worship music to listen to before/after surgery. I took this special blanket to the biopsy with me and it was very comforting. Nevermind the fact that Todd said I looked like a 9 yr old. It was really funny though. And true, but I didn't care. It worked.
NOW FOR A LITTLE bit of more interesting, creative news. I have still managed to paint. I read a quote the other day: What one CAN be, one MUST be. I MUST PAINT.
I have: finished jennifer's blog prize (really big cross painting) / finished a painting for my nephew who is graduating HS next week and is going to train to be a fireman (really big abstract fireman painting)/ baby paintings for "someone" I know having a baby soon (can't mention names yet)/ notecards/ and one of my all-time FAVORITE things...making a ton of hand-painted bookmarks. They are so cute, fun and I can paint them almost without looking. LOVE those things. And a friend and i made it to Hobby Lobby this weekend, where I found fabulous new ribbon. yes, I need a new list of things that make me happy....a new list of things that I consider FUN. Finding ribbon at HL is just a LITTLE too boring. Think I'll work on that list this summer.
Stay tuned about art camp for the summer. To be honest, right now there's no way I can even think about it. Literally. Just too tired. But, I haven't forgotten. There's still a chance even if on a smaller scale. We'll see.
Thanks for reading so long. Sorry there' s no pictures this time.
Thank you again, my friends and please keep me in your prayers. I am not myself when I feel bad.
Create. okay did you notice on one of my recent posts I told YOU to create even when YOU don't feel like it....yep, eating those words. So, just create when you can. create when you DO feel like it, and I'll do the same.
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Of course, I've had alot to say, but wasn't sure WHAT TO say. I started several posts, and just changed my mind.
5 months ago I had no idea that health issues could be a part of every day life. What started out on Jan. 3rd with my hands hurting, has turned in to quite a few things mostly thyroid related. This post is titled: Answered Prayer #4 because there have been 4 big specific prayers the Lord has answered and I wanted to share them with you. Now, of course, I know the Lord answers many more than that every day, but these are prayers that I've asked You, my friends, to pray for me and I want you to KNOW they are felt and have been answered in a big specific way. I started w/ A.P.#1 the Friday of Spring Break. It was then that I was told I needed a surgeon. There are many things that happened in the months leading up to that, but I choose to start here with my story. I am determined to leave the negative energy behind. That is why I haven't posted. When you are feeling really bad, it just helps to have hope. It helps to know people are working on your behalf. enough said. The first prayer was for the Lord to send the RIGHT people my way and open very specific doors. My in-laws and their friends did some checking (they're in the healthcare system in Shreveport)....and came across a surgeon Dr.Donnie Aultman. After my father-in-law told him of my situation, he made a call to the endocrinologist I was trying to get in to see: Dr. Ravari. I saw Dr.Ravari the week after Spring Break and knew immediately both her and Dr.Aultman were answers to prayers. She is so kind, and KNOWS what she is talking about. I liked everything about her office/staff...just very high quality. Many other signs, but A.P.#1.
A.P. #2: you know the saying "knowledge is power"? Wellllll, MOST of the time. But SOMETIMES it can scare you. I have done enough "research" (LOL) on the internet to know I WANTED to find someone who performed what's called a FINE NEEDLE biopsy. get the fine needle part? Yep, I had heard a few stories and this sounded like the way I wanted to go. The first phone call I had w/ Dr.Ravari's office is when I asked that question and YES: she did them on Tuesday mornings. A.P.#2
A.P.#3: okay so that means I had to have a biopsy. As if it's not just down-right painful enough to think about having cancer, obviously 3+ needles being stuck in my neck where it HURTS, did not sound too good. But PRAISE THE LORD...it's behind me and I can truly say it did not hurt near as bad as I had prepared myself for. The numbing cream worked, I was really relaxed thanks to the people in her office (like I said: quality care), and it just was not that bad. A.P. #3.
A.P. #4: after the biopsy is when it hit me the hardest emotionally. I was thinking she might have been able to tell me something as she was performing the biopsy, but that was not the case so I had to wait and worry from Tues- Fri last week. There is a thing posted in her exam rooms about worry. It says something like: "if you're going to pray, why worry....if you're going to worry, why pray". Ouch. powerful. true. easier said than done. You see, I had done my "research" and knew about a little thing called anaplastic thyroid cancer...the fast growing kind that frankly people just don't survive. Every little ache and pain worried me last week (and I had PLENTY). So, when she called Friday with the news that I needed surgery...that did not sound NEAR as bad. PTL. Basically the biopsy was inconclusive, and since my thyroid has grown so large I need to have it removed. There is an 80% chance it is benign, but there are concerns. There are 3 other types of thyroid cancer but all have positive outcomes in the end. So, I'll have surgery soon...have it removed...they will test to see what it is...and we'll go from there. If it is malignant there are a few things I do before taking medicene the rest of my life and if it's benign I think I just start taking meds the rest of my life. Either way, I already feel like I can breathe better, just being able to think about the "rest of my life". A.P.#4.
I have a new compassion for people who have medical problems...specifically for those awaiting biopsy results. It's just one of those things that you just can't understand until you've been there I think. I know the "compassion" thing is something the Lord is showing me through this. I seriously do not think that I BELIEVED it was possible to feel bad every day for 5 months. I was wrong.
So....THANK YOU MY FRIENDS for praying. I NEED you to continue to pray for specific things for me, and I promise to keep you posted better. I believe in giving God the glory and that is what I want to do. It really is my desire for you to know that you're prayers for me are being heard and answered and it means so much to me. When we were at St.Jude w/ J.T., there were so many times I thought about the "footprints in the sand" story. You see, I believe that sometimes we just need to be carried through things, and part of that is for friends to pray for you when you are tired or just feel like you do not have enough faith. Here are specific prayers I need right now: #5: TIMING for the surgery. I want to have it asap. All of my family is coming in next week, it's a busy time and alot to do before the end of school, Kirk wants to leave the day we get out of school going on vacation w/ his girlfriend...and I'm just struggling knowing when to try to schedule. So, I leave it in the Lord's hands. I'm going to see when the dr CAN schedule and go from there. One thing I've learned is not to worry about things that haven't happened yet. I would just rather have the surgery behind me before the last day of school though...just the whole thought of starting my summer that way does not sound so great. This time last year we were leaving for the beach. so, in HIS perfect TIMING....I trust it will be.
#6: for the surgery itself to be successful. for them to be able to easily remove everything. for there to be NO SIGNS of malignancy and that I do not GET SICK after surgery. For some reason as if the thought of someone cutting your NECK open is not bad enough...I just do NOT want to get sick afterwards. That just could not be good. I "READ" (LOL) somewhere that the surgery is not that bad. Someone even said it was like having teeth pulled. OKAY. I can believe THAT story!
#7 and finally that my recovery is fast and goes well. I really believe in the power of positive thinking. If I can just get to the point where I practice that at home I will be doing good. I'm thinking about getting a little IPOD and loading praise and worship music to listen to before/after surgery. I took this special blanket to the biopsy with me and it was very comforting. Nevermind the fact that Todd said I looked like a 9 yr old. It was really funny though. And true, but I didn't care. It worked.
NOW FOR A LITTLE bit of more interesting, creative news. I have still managed to paint. I read a quote the other day: What one CAN be, one MUST be. I MUST PAINT.
I have: finished jennifer's blog prize (really big cross painting) / finished a painting for my nephew who is graduating HS next week and is going to train to be a fireman (really big abstract fireman painting)/ baby paintings for "someone" I know having a baby soon (can't mention names yet)/ notecards/ and one of my all-time FAVORITE things...making a ton of hand-painted bookmarks. They are so cute, fun and I can paint them almost without looking. LOVE those things. And a friend and i made it to Hobby Lobby this weekend, where I found fabulous new ribbon. yes, I need a new list of things that make me happy....a new list of things that I consider FUN. Finding ribbon at HL is just a LITTLE too boring. Think I'll work on that list this summer.
Stay tuned about art camp for the summer. To be honest, right now there's no way I can even think about it. Literally. Just too tired. But, I haven't forgotten. There's still a chance even if on a smaller scale. We'll see.
Thanks for reading so long. Sorry there' s no pictures this time.
Thank you again, my friends and please keep me in your prayers. I am not myself when I feel bad.
Create. okay did you notice on one of my recent posts I told YOU to create even when YOU don't feel like it....yep, eating those words. So, just create when you can. create when you DO feel like it, and I'll do the same.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Yes my dear test coordinator...maybe this will make your day. YOU WON the prize Jennifer Bailey. (Your name WAS in there more than anyone, so your chances were good). Todd and J.T. were arguing over who was going to draw...Todd drew your name and J.T. and I were witnesses.
HOWEVER.....MELISSA SMITH, you'll be happy to know that you get a prize too. I decided to give away the textured cross painting I did as an "experiment". It is the one in the post below.
Thank you to everyone that participated. I'm going to count the number of names in the jar so you know. My counter on my blog jumped by about 300 during the contest, so that is COOL.
I"m thinking of doing something during the month of April. It will benefit this year's "Shake for Jake" fundraiser for a family that helps other St.Jude families. You can read about it at: www.maddiboo.blogspot.com Melissa and Charlene are involved with the foundation and apparantly get their husbands to the SHAKE-down.
Don't forget to...
HOWEVER.....MELISSA SMITH, you'll be happy to know that you get a prize too. I decided to give away the textured cross painting I did as an "experiment". It is the one in the post below.
Thank you to everyone that participated. I'm going to count the number of names in the jar so you know. My counter on my blog jumped by about 300 during the contest, so that is COOL.
I"m thinking of doing something during the month of April. It will benefit this year's "Shake for Jake" fundraiser for a family that helps other St.Jude families. You can read about it at: www.maddiboo.blogspot.com Melissa and Charlene are involved with the foundation and apparantly get their husbands to the SHAKE-down.
Don't forget to...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
quick update..

Here's a picture of a painting I finished this week for my mother-in-law's sewing room she is remodeling. She bought the canvas last summer, and this has been on my to-do list for a while. Something inspired me this week to paint it. It hangs horizontal though..I now clearly have to figure out how to ROTATE the picture.
DON"T FORGET ...only 3 more days to get your name in the drawing for the March Madness painting. You can earn as many tickets as you would like!!
Create. Even when you don't feel like it, or you don't have time...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March Madness continues...

Here's a picture of a small cross SIMILAR to the March Madness prize. I experimented with a smaller size textured cross. It's hard to tell, but I used a putty to give it some dimension. AND Congrats to Jennifer Bailey for sending MORE than the 5 people to my blog and earning her a FREE FACEBOOK FRIENDS sign. You can still earn one, or buy one. They're only $10 for the month of March.
Still not feeling that great, but better. Again, different symtoms/side effects every day. The last couple of days, I've had fever, so I used the time to stay home and relax. It was much needed and I think has helped. No luck in getting an appoinment any sooner, but I am on a waiting list.
My throat still hurts so unfortunately I think I"m going to miss another choir practice tonight.
The boys are having a pretty good week. J.T. placed 2nd in Comp.Science at the Literary Rally Saturday/ Kirk came in 1st and J.T. came in 5th at the golf meet Monday/ and Kirk has a 4.0 GPA which qualifies him for our academic banquet....Did I MENTION I have great kids?
I've added a few more names to the jar. Don't forget you can keep earning tickets through the last day of March.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I love contests...
That's one way to get people reading your blog LOL!!
okay...I'm going to try to give a point update.
Melissa S. 2
Tabitha 2
Lori H. 2
Jennifer Sones 1
Jennifer Bailey 5
Kristie 1
Kelly McCoy 1
Nicci 2
Tonya 2
Brandy 2
Angela M 1
Patti W. 1
Judy H. 2
These points are all IN ADDITION to the ones you had already earned. This is the number of times your name is going in to the jar today. Jennifer B. you have sent 4 friends my way so one more and you get the free facebook sign. Let me know your colors!!! And Judy, I show 2 for you (Erin & Tonya). Start picking your colors too.
I"ll have a picture of the cross painting that will look SIMILAR to our prize. The blog prize will be BIGGER...think sofa painting. (Unless you don't want one that big!)
have a good day. and...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER F.
okay...I'm going to try to give a point update.
Melissa S. 2
Tabitha 2
Lori H. 2
Jennifer Sones 1
Jennifer Bailey 5
Kristie 1
Kelly McCoy 1
Nicci 2
Tonya 2
Brandy 2
Angela M 1
Patti W. 1
Judy H. 2
These points are all IN ADDITION to the ones you had already earned. This is the number of times your name is going in to the jar today. Jennifer B. you have sent 4 friends my way so one more and you get the free facebook sign. Let me know your colors!!! And Judy, I show 2 for you (Erin & Tonya). Start picking your colors too.
I"ll have a picture of the cross painting that will look SIMILAR to our prize. The blog prize will be BIGGER...think sofa painting. (Unless you don't want one that big!)
have a good day. and...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER F.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Contest update..

Here's some of the pics I promised. This is the painting Imade myself (it matches the colors in my artroom) of the Facebook friends. The jar shows the entries so far. There is a picture of one of the pillowcases I painted, and a picture of one of the notecards I did for a wedding. That's the date stenciled on the card.
For your amusement, I posted the pics out of order again, and sideways, but I did get the uploading figured out.
Here's the new tickets just added to the jar as of 4:30.
Jennifer B (3)
Judy H (3)
Melissa S. (2)
Erin M (1)
Mindy (1)
Carol W (2)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March Madness CONTEST
Time for another blog contest. Here's the rules/details:
1. You can EARN tickets to be placed in my cute bucket between now and the end of March. On the last day of March, I will draw a winner. The more tickets you earn - the more chances you have of winning. You will earn 1 ticket for each of the following things:
(1) leaving a COMMENT on my blog -that's one ticket for EVERY comment!
(2) becoming a "follower" of my blog
(3) referrals: that's one ticket for anyone who leaves a comment, or becomes a follower
and TELLS me you sent them
(4) placing an order with me. That's one ticket for each item ordered.
Beginning with the orders I currently am working on. So, that means Jennifer F. has 2 tickets already (pillowcase and sign) and Joyce T. has 1 ticket (pillowcase) and Beverlee K. has 5 tickets (pillowcases).
I will post a picture soon of the painting that will be your PRIZE. I'm in the process of painting one for myself right now. Basically think nice stretched canvas with a big cross or fleur de lis..textured, funky...with your last name and/ or a scripture. I will let the winner choose their colors, etc. so it will match their home.
Also, for my FACEBOOK friends, I have designed a sign that is too cute and am offering a FREE SIGN to any of my CURRENT "Facebook Friends" as of right now. All you have to do is get FIVE people to leave a comment on my blog and tell me you sent them. Make sure the comment is on my BLOG and they give me your name. The sign is hand painted on a canvas panel and reads " I HAVE ______ FRIENDS on facebook." Where the blank is, I have a mini CHALKBOARD for you to constantly change your # of friends. And if you just CAN'T get 5 people to look at my blog....I guess I'll sell the signs for $10 for a limited time.
You can click on COMMENTS below this post and leave a comment as an anonymous user if you do not have a free google account. SIGN YOUR NAME!
Pictures to come soon of the current things I"m working on. Again, I have a collection of pictures at www.artsonia.com. Enter zip 71038 (haynesville jr/sr high) and scroll down to where it says: "Mrs.Allen's project box". Sorry you have to go to all that trouble. I have strange computer issues.
And, please pray for me to feel better. Over the Christmas holidays my HANDS started hurting really bad. both hands equally....to the point that I went to the dr. Obviously I CANNOT have something wrong with my hands...that is NOT okay! Anyway, they found out that I have thyroid problems. Apparantly not an uncommon thing. For 2 months I have developed every symptom/side effect you can think of. They did an ultrasound 2 weeks ago in which they saw something that needed further review. DEEP BREATH. I received my appointment notification in the mail this weekend with the specialist. My appointment is in OCTOBER!!! YES, OCTOBER. Hello, people ...what IS this world coming to? to be continued....
In the meantime:
CREATE. It's medicene for the soul. Well, for me it is. I could use a little laughter too.
1. You can EARN tickets to be placed in my cute bucket between now and the end of March. On the last day of March, I will draw a winner. The more tickets you earn - the more chances you have of winning. You will earn 1 ticket for each of the following things:
(1) leaving a COMMENT on my blog -that's one ticket for EVERY comment!
(2) becoming a "follower" of my blog
(3) referrals: that's one ticket for anyone who leaves a comment, or becomes a follower
and TELLS me you sent them
(4) placing an order with me. That's one ticket for each item ordered.
Beginning with the orders I currently am working on. So, that means Jennifer F. has 2 tickets already (pillowcase and sign) and Joyce T. has 1 ticket (pillowcase) and Beverlee K. has 5 tickets (pillowcases).
I will post a picture soon of the painting that will be your PRIZE. I'm in the process of painting one for myself right now. Basically think nice stretched canvas with a big cross or fleur de lis..textured, funky...with your last name and/ or a scripture. I will let the winner choose their colors, etc. so it will match their home.
Also, for my FACEBOOK friends, I have designed a sign that is too cute and am offering a FREE SIGN to any of my CURRENT "Facebook Friends" as of right now. All you have to do is get FIVE people to leave a comment on my blog and tell me you sent them. Make sure the comment is on my BLOG and they give me your name. The sign is hand painted on a canvas panel and reads " I HAVE ______ FRIENDS on facebook." Where the blank is, I have a mini CHALKBOARD for you to constantly change your # of friends. And if you just CAN'T get 5 people to look at my blog....I guess I'll sell the signs for $10 for a limited time.
You can click on COMMENTS below this post and leave a comment as an anonymous user if you do not have a free google account. SIGN YOUR NAME!
Pictures to come soon of the current things I"m working on. Again, I have a collection of pictures at www.artsonia.com. Enter zip 71038 (haynesville jr/sr high) and scroll down to where it says: "Mrs.Allen's project box". Sorry you have to go to all that trouble. I have strange computer issues.
And, please pray for me to feel better. Over the Christmas holidays my HANDS started hurting really bad. both hands equally....to the point that I went to the dr. Obviously I CANNOT have something wrong with my hands...that is NOT okay! Anyway, they found out that I have thyroid problems. Apparantly not an uncommon thing. For 2 months I have developed every symptom/side effect you can think of. They did an ultrasound 2 weeks ago in which they saw something that needed further review. DEEP BREATH. I received my appointment notification in the mail this weekend with the specialist. My appointment is in OCTOBER!!! YES, OCTOBER. Hello, people ...what IS this world coming to? to be continued....
In the meantime:
CREATE. It's medicene for the soul. Well, for me it is. I could use a little laughter too.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Use what you have...to CREATE something better.

As usual, there have been many things in my "project box" lately. I came across a contest that I decided to enter. It's for a magazine that I love "Cloth, Paper, Scissors". They are doing a calendar contest and the theme is: "Life is like a box of"........WHAT? I just had this idea to do a storage box on wheels filled w/ art supplies. You know I had to use the word "CREATE" in there somewhere and the more I think about the saying...the more I like it. Use what you have...to create something better. I am definitely thankful for the things I have, but I sometimes fail to recognize or USE those things. Can be anything from the power of prayer to a ROOM FULL of art supplies. Maybe I'll make a list. I've been thinking about starting/keeping a journal lately. It's not something I do, but I would like to. Good place to start. So what do YOU have? And, what can YOU create? Yep, it's a challenge.
We have a St.Jude fundraiser going on at school. Here's a picture of the painting I did for the basket that we are raffling. It's the HOPE painting, of course.
And, here's a picture of some hand-painted bookmarks.
And, of course NOW I see I didn't not post the pics in order. Sorry. Guess you can figure it out. Atleast i finally have pics, right?
Okay...It's TIME FOR ANOTHER CONTEST...More details later....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Go Dawgs.

I actually figured out a way to get photos on my blog. If I upload photos to our artsonia site at school, then at home I can save them to my photos on this computer and have access to them. Life should not be that hard! Not for simple photos LOL. Maybe I just need a new computer. Hum.
So, this is the Tech Bulldog I did a couple of weeks ago. The first original was an order for someone and was done on a large stretched canvas. I could not get any copies made since it was so large, so I painted another one. If you are interested, I had a limited number of prints made and they are only $10.00 each. They would look the best in a 9x12 frame with a black or white mat.
I promised a photo of J.T. next, but I'll do that soon. Poor thing was terribly sick Thursday and Friday. His fever stayed over 103 for much longer than I liked. A shot did the trick. Kirk has fever today, but it has not spiked as high.
I've decided to have certain " projects" for the month that I work on. THIS WEEK I am making some outdoor yard signs. You know, the ones that say things like: "A Tornado Fan Lives Here". (or whatever team you are). I can pretty much customize colors and sayings... They are made of thicker wood and mounted on a metal t-post for durability. Much better than the "campaign-type" signs made of corrugated cardboard. If you would like one for your yard, please call/email me.
I am also working on pillowcases this week. If you have a special rush order for Valentines Day, let me know and I'll see if I have time.
Our Sunday School teacher was out this morning. I think she's on a well-deserved cruise with her sisters. Stephenie did a great job teaching...and that has NOTHING to do with the fact that I think anyone who teaches does good as long as it's NOT ME. LOL. seriously. she did a great job. I have a new blog reader...hey Paige. And, a friend offered an encouraging word this morning that really made my day and encouraged me to be a better teacher.
All for now. I need to go to the grocery store and we're watching a movie (Fireproof) at church tonight. until next time......
Friday, January 23, 2009
This is Kirk at Prom last year. Isn't he cute? He shared something with me last night that he was thinking about doing and I couldn't be more proud of him. I'll have to share later.
Like I said before, I cannot upload photos right now, so I'm having to pull from older ones. That means no photos of any new artwork yet. So, you'll get to see my handsome kids. I'll post a good one of J.T. next. BTW, this is the first Friday night that BOTH of my kids have their driver's license. They're both at basketball games (different ones), and I"m home alone with no vehicle. I sense a pattern.
This week I have painted another small bulldog painting so I can copy it for notecards, 2 mailboxes that I'm almost finished with, and I"m working on a baby shower invitation. I have some canvas fabric that's calling my name, but I'm not sure what I'll be doing with it yet. Maybe tags or bookmarks. On Monday our local museum is having a gourd painting workshop, so I"ll be off Monday. Looking forward to that.
In the meantime....
Like I said before, I cannot upload photos right now, so I'm having to pull from older ones. That means no photos of any new artwork yet. So, you'll get to see my handsome kids. I'll post a good one of J.T. next. BTW, this is the first Friday night that BOTH of my kids have their driver's license. They're both at basketball games (different ones), and I"m home alone with no vehicle. I sense a pattern.
This week I have painted another small bulldog painting so I can copy it for notecards, 2 mailboxes that I'm almost finished with, and I"m working on a baby shower invitation. I have some canvas fabric that's calling my name, but I'm not sure what I'll be doing with it yet. Maybe tags or bookmarks. On Monday our local museum is having a gourd painting workshop, so I"ll be off Monday. Looking forward to that.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thank you Jesus.
Tonight I just have a grateful heart. I am so thankful for parents that raised me to love going to church and more importantly to love the Lord. We've had a revival at our church this week, and while there are many things I'm praying for..believing the Lord for, I just am humbled and thankful that my boys are saved and that they love the Lord and going to church too. I am so proud of them. I pray when they are old and gray they are still led by the spirit of God. I always say (usually in response to them being only 13 mos. apart LOL)...that the LORD knew what he was doing.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Snow in Louisiana...

okay...NOT today. This was about a year ago. I just could not bring myself to do another post without pictures. Ugh. I CANNOT get my new pics on my computer at home. SO, I thought I'd post a pic of my cute kids.
Kirk is on the left (17)and J.T. is in the middle (16). Kirk's friend Hunter is on the right. They built a very CREATIVE snowman golfer. I thought he was so cute.
J.T. turns 16 on Tuesday (1-20). He will get his license. Can I just say that if your babies are that age where they will just jump up into your arms and give you a hug...just eat it up. Seems like yesterday. Thankfully they still give their mom good hugs.
It's been a good week creatively speaking. I've gotten alot done. All of the mantra illustrations are done, I did this AWESOME Tech Bulldog painting (if I say so myself..) and a cute painting for my nephew's birthday invitations. And then some.
We have a revival at church starting Sunday. Bro. Jack Daniels will be speaking. I'm looking forward to it, as I have not heard him speak since the last revival he did at our church which happened to be when BOTH of the boys were saved. We are singing my 2nd favorite song Sunday morning (the choir). It's by this guy, Travis Cottrell. Look him up. Buy his CD. I first heard him at the Beth Moore convention at Century Tel a couple of years ago.
Good thing I have something to do next week to take my mind off the fact that my friend will be in PARIS and ROME all week. She TRIED to talk me into it. It's week like this however that convince me I made the right decision. I do not want my first trip abroad to be with students. Especially if MY kids weren't going. (they could've, but for a price ). Large price for the 3 of us LOL. And, I couldn't miss J.T.'s birthday anyway.
It's been a long, rough week at school. I'm tired and ready for a much needed extra day off. And that's all I want to say about that.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
2009 Mantras
Thanks to all who have been reading my blog and sharing their "word" with me. I have the first group of words illustrated and delivered. STILL trying to get pics uploaded to my computer to share with you. I'm NOT THAT bad at technical issues, but my computer is not reading my camera. It's seriously aggrivating when I KNOW the camera, USB cord, and everything is plugged in correctly...HELLO? It's all plugged in ....so IT SHOULD work!!!
Not. LOL
Hope you don't mind, but I decided to share your words. I know most of my readers are in our Sunday School class and probably have a secret pal. So, I thought you might be interested to know the WORD your secret pal has picked for the year. All of the words are very personal, moving, and thought provoking.
Me: Create
LindaK: patience
DonnaB: Blessed
JenniferF: Peace
AngelaM: Pray
AmandaM(York): Believe
Laurie: Commitment
Brandy: Faith
Paige: Restful
Penny: Gratitude
Create, Patience, Blessed, Peace, Pray, Believe, Commitment, Faith, Restful, Gratitude....
Words of Power.
Not. LOL
Hope you don't mind, but I decided to share your words. I know most of my readers are in our Sunday School class and probably have a secret pal. So, I thought you might be interested to know the WORD your secret pal has picked for the year. All of the words are very personal, moving, and thought provoking.
Me: Create
LindaK: patience
DonnaB: Blessed
JenniferF: Peace
AngelaM: Pray
AmandaM(York): Believe
Laurie: Commitment
Brandy: Faith
Paige: Restful
Penny: Gratitude
Create, Patience, Blessed, Peace, Pray, Believe, Commitment, Faith, Restful, Gratitude....
Words of Power.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
And the winner is....
Yes, I had ***17 *** trees this year. Thanks for all who guessed.
moving along....Okay...for those of you this morning that I "slipped" the piece of paper to, or those I emailed, or just plain follow my blog (Jennifer), the idea is for you to pick a word to be your "mantra" this YEAR. You can pass my blog info to other people and the offer is good for anyone who lets me know what word they chose. Here are some examples:
Blessed, Gratitude, Purpose, Create, Hope, Pray, Believe, Power, Determination, Love, Faith, Nurture, Balance, Grace, Humble, Thankful, Silence, Peace, Praise, Happiness, Laugh, Smile....etc.
Tell me why you chose the word if you'd like. I was really leaning towards "gratitude" or "thankful" because that is the way I feel lately HOWEVER... MY WORD IS....
surprise, huh? LOL.
Here's MY definition of create: to take something that exists and form it in to something better. Create in me a clean heart, oh God. Create health, happiness, peace...and the list can go on. I"m going to actually look up the REAL Webster's definition. Get back to you on that one. I want to see how they define the word "mantra" too. Hope I'm using that term correctly.
Okay friends...put some thought in to it, and let me know your WORD. I will illustrate your word for you to have/use this year. Happy 2009.
Yes, I had ***17 *** trees this year. Thanks for all who guessed.
moving along....Okay...for those of you this morning that I "slipped" the piece of paper to, or those I emailed, or just plain follow my blog (Jennifer), the idea is for you to pick a word to be your "mantra" this YEAR. You can pass my blog info to other people and the offer is good for anyone who lets me know what word they chose. Here are some examples:
Blessed, Gratitude, Purpose, Create, Hope, Pray, Believe, Power, Determination, Love, Faith, Nurture, Balance, Grace, Humble, Thankful, Silence, Peace, Praise, Happiness, Laugh, Smile....etc.
Tell me why you chose the word if you'd like. I was really leaning towards "gratitude" or "thankful" because that is the way I feel lately HOWEVER... MY WORD IS....
surprise, huh? LOL.
Here's MY definition of create: to take something that exists and form it in to something better. Create in me a clean heart, oh God. Create health, happiness, peace...and the list can go on. I"m going to actually look up the REAL Webster's definition. Get back to you on that one. I want to see how they define the word "mantra" too. Hope I'm using that term correctly.
Okay friends...put some thought in to it, and let me know your WORD. I will illustrate your word for you to have/use this year. Happy 2009.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Contest Update...
I've had a few guesses on the "tree" contest, but no winner yet. You can make one guess per day. IF you came to my house during the holidays...this does NOT include all of the little trees I had placed at each place setting. That would add another 14 to the number LOL. BUT it does include the "forest" of trees that were lit in my mudroom. I loved those this year. It DID remind me of a lighted forest. Ah, the little things.
Someone just informed me that you CAN leave a message on my blog without creating a google account (that is free). Click on the "comments" at the bottom of the post and post as an anonymous user. If you're making a guess for the contest though, make sure to include your name in the comments LOL.
ALSO...BREAKING NEWS.... a friend of mine has started a new blog. Most of you know Becky. It's so funny how friendships develop and we are just kindred spirits. We have tons of things in common...like I could say any word such as "homecoming, jadip, etc." and she immediately knows what I'm talking about. She taught where I'm teaching for years before me and just KNOWS. Funny thing is we laugh all the time at our differences. For example, our waiter arrives to take our drink orders and we both laugh as she orders unsweet tea with extra lemon and I order SWEET tea no lemon. I"m a steak and potatoes kind of girl and she is a eggplant, mushroom, spinach, cabbage salad kind of girl. CHECK out her blog at : www.spectacularsplatter.blogspot.com
Be the first to leave her a comment and I'll talk her into giving you a prize!!!! Or, I'll make you one. Or, you'll get lucky and we both will.
I have another CHALLENGE to all of my readers/friends. I follow several blogs that are talking about this (www.aliedwards.typepad.com) and I think it's a good idea.
*** CHOOSE A WORD to be your "mantra" this year. ***
try to stick to one word. could be a phrase I guess. Immediately I think of HOPE or CREATE. I use those all the time. But, I think I'll give more thought to my word this year. Let me know what your word is and I will make you an original watercolor print of your word.
And see...just as I go to "sign out" , I use the word...
maybe that SHOULD be my word. LOL
Someone just informed me that you CAN leave a message on my blog without creating a google account (that is free). Click on the "comments" at the bottom of the post and post as an anonymous user. If you're making a guess for the contest though, make sure to include your name in the comments LOL.
ALSO...BREAKING NEWS.... a friend of mine has started a new blog. Most of you know Becky. It's so funny how friendships develop and we are just kindred spirits. We have tons of things in common...like I could say any word such as "homecoming, jadip, etc." and she immediately knows what I'm talking about. She taught where I'm teaching for years before me and just KNOWS. Funny thing is we laugh all the time at our differences. For example, our waiter arrives to take our drink orders and we both laugh as she orders unsweet tea with extra lemon and I order SWEET tea no lemon. I"m a steak and potatoes kind of girl and she is a eggplant, mushroom, spinach, cabbage salad kind of girl. CHECK out her blog at : www.spectacularsplatter.blogspot.com
Be the first to leave her a comment and I'll talk her into giving you a prize!!!! Or, I'll make you one. Or, you'll get lucky and we both will.
I have another CHALLENGE to all of my readers/friends. I follow several blogs that are talking about this (www.aliedwards.typepad.com) and I think it's a good idea.
*** CHOOSE A WORD to be your "mantra" this year. ***
try to stick to one word. could be a phrase I guess. Immediately I think of HOPE or CREATE. I use those all the time. But, I think I'll give more thought to my word this year. Let me know what your word is and I will make you an original watercolor print of your word.
And see...just as I go to "sign out" , I use the word...
maybe that SHOULD be my word. LOL
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Surprise !!!
Happy New Year. As a SURPRISE I decided to blog today. I"m sure it's a surprise since it has been since 11-11-08 that I blogged.
Where to begin...
the holidays are over and while I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas season and all of the decorations and stuff...It's so nice to have an empty clean house again. Another one of the "joys of teaching" things. I like the week after Christmas when I can take about a room per day...take down the Christmas decorations and clean that room.
Our Christmas was wonderful this year. Everyone happy, healthy. ALL of my family was home this year. All 29 of us!! AND we had Christmas at our house this year. It was really nice and I enjoyed it. My grandmother (daddy's mom) was here as were Frank, Kim and the girls. They are so precious....but in that super wild age 2 stage. They are so full of life and energy, and did I mention just precious? We took "informal" family pics. I'll upload some soon. NO REALLY...I will. It's on my list. LOL
Back to Christmas decorations...I think I'll start the new
year off with a CONTEST.
This would include big ones, little ones, and all sizes in between. Some just had lights, some have a theme, some are special and some I just like. Now, most of you did not come to my house this season, but in the past I've had 13. THAT IS NOT the number this year...but don't guess some small little number like 2. I LOVE Christmas and especially trees with lights. NOT pre-lit. I do not have luck with lights... I like the small little cheap WHITE lights that never get too hot. Only white lights here. Not a fan of colored lights. Oh, J.T. does have one in his room with blue lights. His choice. SO, the contest starts now. You may call, tell me in person, email me, or leave a comment on my blog. IF you leave a comment, your prize will be better!! The prize for this one will be a hand painted slate tile with a fleur de lis in the background with your name or address.
On to my art news. As always, I have so many ideas and I don't know where to start. I was hoping to have that plan in place and IN WRITING by today. But there's so many things that I like to do and want to do that I have a hard time deciding. Business wise there's: Art Camp, a booth at Canton, post things for sell on Etsy, adult workshops, art kits, after school art, and just start some kind of ORGANIZED small business. I mean there is interest and I do enjoy doing the random things that I do... but I would like to be more organized.
Then...there's little things like my NAME. I've used "THE ART FACTORY"..where we build creativity for years now and I love that. Especially for the art that I do with kids. When I personally paint something I usually sign it Suzy Allen Designs. It really has not been a big deal until I start thinking about a website. I think I will press on as is for now regarding the name.
My other "issue" is deciding WHAT to do. I bought a plaque for my friend that read: "ALL we have to do is decide WHAT to do with the time that is given us". I love that phrase, but it's easier said than done. Just this month I've painted so many different subjects on so many different objects that I could never do a booth at Canton with such a random variety. So, I welcome YOUR ideas.
Thanks to all who have encouraged me this season and who have ordered these random items (pillowcases, parking signs, mailboxes, etc.) I feel as I have felt most of my life...I believe the Lord sends things my way even when I don't know what I want or need. Rather it's opportunities, jobs, KIDS, or just pillowcases to paint...HE always knows what I need. I hope you've been blessed this season and take the time to give thanks.
I promise to make more blog entries AND include photos soon.
Good luck on the contest. First one with the correct answer wins. I managed to get the blog prizes from JULY delivered in December LOL...oh yea, except for Jennifer K and Kelley. Good things come to those who wait, right?
CREATE in 2009.
Where to begin...
the holidays are over and while I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas season and all of the decorations and stuff...It's so nice to have an empty clean house again. Another one of the "joys of teaching" things. I like the week after Christmas when I can take about a room per day...take down the Christmas decorations and clean that room.
Our Christmas was wonderful this year. Everyone happy, healthy. ALL of my family was home this year. All 29 of us!! AND we had Christmas at our house this year. It was really nice and I enjoyed it. My grandmother (daddy's mom) was here as were Frank, Kim and the girls. They are so precious....but in that super wild age 2 stage. They are so full of life and energy, and did I mention just precious? We took "informal" family pics. I'll upload some soon. NO REALLY...I will. It's on my list. LOL
Back to Christmas decorations...I think I'll start the new
year off with a CONTEST.
This would include big ones, little ones, and all sizes in between. Some just had lights, some have a theme, some are special and some I just like. Now, most of you did not come to my house this season, but in the past I've had 13. THAT IS NOT the number this year...but don't guess some small little number like 2. I LOVE Christmas and especially trees with lights. NOT pre-lit. I do not have luck with lights... I like the small little cheap WHITE lights that never get too hot. Only white lights here. Not a fan of colored lights. Oh, J.T. does have one in his room with blue lights. His choice. SO, the contest starts now. You may call, tell me in person, email me, or leave a comment on my blog. IF you leave a comment, your prize will be better!! The prize for this one will be a hand painted slate tile with a fleur de lis in the background with your name or address.
On to my art news. As always, I have so many ideas and I don't know where to start. I was hoping to have that plan in place and IN WRITING by today. But there's so many things that I like to do and want to do that I have a hard time deciding. Business wise there's: Art Camp, a booth at Canton, post things for sell on Etsy, adult workshops, art kits, after school art, and just start some kind of ORGANIZED small business. I mean there is interest and I do enjoy doing the random things that I do... but I would like to be more organized.
Then...there's little things like my NAME. I've used "THE ART FACTORY"..where we build creativity for years now and I love that. Especially for the art that I do with kids. When I personally paint something I usually sign it Suzy Allen Designs. It really has not been a big deal until I start thinking about a website. I think I will press on as is for now regarding the name.
My other "issue" is deciding WHAT to do. I bought a plaque for my friend that read: "ALL we have to do is decide WHAT to do with the time that is given us". I love that phrase, but it's easier said than done. Just this month I've painted so many different subjects on so many different objects that I could never do a booth at Canton with such a random variety. So, I welcome YOUR ideas.
Thanks to all who have encouraged me this season and who have ordered these random items (pillowcases, parking signs, mailboxes, etc.) I feel as I have felt most of my life...I believe the Lord sends things my way even when I don't know what I want or need. Rather it's opportunities, jobs, KIDS, or just pillowcases to paint...HE always knows what I need. I hope you've been blessed this season and take the time to give thanks.
I promise to make more blog entries AND include photos soon.
Good luck on the contest. First one with the correct answer wins. I managed to get the blog prizes from JULY delivered in December LOL...oh yea, except for Jennifer K and Kelley. Good things come to those who wait, right?
CREATE in 2009.
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