Geesh. Over a month since I've posted. I like bloggers who update daily, so I'll try to do better than once per month :)
Where did we leave off.....
The month of May was a little rough to say the least but I'm thankful to have a job and one that I love. Nothing is perfect and I had plenty of paperwork to remind me of that, however, it's done and I now have almost 3 months off. Ahhhh, the joys of teaching.
I've done 2 more "write-ups" and 2 more on order. I'm drawn to big, colorful, graphic florals lately and was inspired to do something on a circular canvas. A creative friend is good at cutting out wood and she did a huge wooden circle for me. It's in the gallery in Magnolia so stop by if you get a chance. The Cosmopolitan Ladies Club is full of fabulous art... such an inspiring place.
I've also made a set of "color-your-own" notecards. They are black and white and come packaged cute with envelopes and colored pencils. A great idea for kids to do in a restaurant or party.
I have a few baby paintings to catch up on this week and MUST finish a large mobile mural for our church youth group. Our youth minister is starting a ministry in the community and I think this will be the logo/backdrop. I'm so thankful the Lord does not procrastinate.
Looking back over the week....even though I feel extremely exhausted....it has been fun. Last Friday was the last day of school. That evening we had a local fundraiser called "Potluck for the Pots" where the town raised money to re-do the bathrooms at our local event center the Fair Barn. It was the CUTEST theme and was a reminder we have so many creative and generous people in our town. Over $17,000 was raised and kudos to the Killgores who lead our creative, generous people. The centerpieces were rolls of toilet paper wrapped in tulle, tied with a ribbon and a gerber daisy. Genious.
Saturday I went to the Blossom Festival by myself and had a nice day looking at artwork. (I like going places by myself BTW..and if you see me I will be in another world). I'm always inspired by art shows and they make me realize I need to step up my game as a teacher.
On Saturday night there was a wonderful event at our local museum to unveil a new show they have on designer Geoffrey Beene, a Haynesville native. It also included Folk Art by the students in our parish and the adult workshops. On Sunday the museum also hosted a reception for the public featuring the work. Another great local place you should visit. The exhibits are first-class. Look for workshops later this year on recording oral histories...I cannot wait.
And THEN....Sunday afternoon I escaped to the "River". We call it that b/c the guys usually go there to trout fish. It's the Little Missouri River in Murfreesboro, Ar. I HIGHLY recommend staying at the SWAHA cabins. They are located at Narrows Dam on Lake Greeson. My mom and dad give the guys a night at the cabins for Christmas and we did not get to use them for trout fishing earlier in the year, but instead they fished Lake Greeson for the first time and it was GREAT. Did you know that locusts make a noise that sounds like an alarm? Wierd ! Anyway just the 4 of us went and it was perfect. It's only a 2 hour trip and it is the most beautiful river. I sound like Rick Rowe LOL. Do YOU need a STAYcation planner?
Friday Todd and I went to Shreveport and came home with a new truck. Suckers. For only $12 per month more we could buy new LOL. And, we did. It is very beautiful and black vehicles are my favorite. My husband does work very hard and I'm happy for him.
Saturday was the Claiborne Jubilee. They also had an auction where local artists painted chairs. They were all so impressive ! I visited with some friends there and met up with a most interesting folk artist from Minden, my friend Alma = the next Clementine Hunter.
I left there a while and went to another fundraiser for my friend Kelley. Are you getting all of this? I know what you're thinking....geesh at all of the fundraisers but that is the point ! Life is all about helping others. It's a great big circle of loving and giving and it's just what we do. Sometimes there is a need and sometimes you just do things because the truth is there's nothing we can do. Life is in God's hands. Thank goodness. So, like 1000 people were there to EAT. Todd was working and only had about 5 men there so I grabbed them all plates and delivered them to work. I must say that was the BEST BBQ. I don't know who cooked it...or who seasoned it but good grief it was good. WHO cooked that peeps? Do you know? I know 50 men cooked it, but who seasoned it? yummy.
Then today.....today is my mom and dad's 46th Anniversary. What a blessing. 10 of us met up at Mudbug Madness. It was fun.
And now, it's almost 10:00 and my husband is making comments about me being on the computer so long to which I lovingly remind him of his Angry Bird addiction.
Oh, I forgot to finish posting about the Jubilee Saturday and the Art Show. I'll save that for another post though. This has been long enough, so thanks for reading :)
Do what you love and love what you do....